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It is a simple and effective way of “raising funding” to publish their book through a community that shares the same interests.
The Fifth Empire Publisher allows that the immense potential of Authors who brainstorm in our community can become in reality that is a Book. We promote the works of talented and motivated people, together we can carry out this project. This is the strength of the crowdpublishing:
small investment + great community = Obreas Excellent!

Independent publication

The crowdpublishing works of a simple and transparent way, acente in the legislation
the national Crowdfunding. Law no. 102_2015 of August 24.
The crowdpublishing has minimum amount and deadline established. If the goal is achieved within the established deadline, the Author sees his book automatically published;
If the minimum amount is not raised, the sponsor is the “Author” does not see his work “sunrise” and the funds will be returned to the supporters. The platform and the manager of the process does not charge any commission.

Personalized and differentiated service

The publishing market remains quite obsolete and with several obstacles to book publication, effective promotion and efficient distribution, by opting for crowdpublishing you'll have a direct path to the true critics, the readers, the potential readers, with the proper support and supervision ensured through the established agreement.

IDStudies - Talk2Me

IDStudies - Talk2Me

IDStudies - Talk2Me