Agustina Bessa-Luís died on Monday, at the Port, confirmed to TSF Isabel Rio Novo, the biographer unauthorized by the writer.
The writer, 96 years old, he was in his house, in the Port, and you have been the victim of prolonged illness.
The mass of the body present will be held this afternoon, from 16h00, in Sé, Porto.
Agustina Bessa-Luís, whose real name was Maria Agustina Ferreira Teixeira Bessa, was born 15 October 1922, Amarante.
The funeral happens this Tuesday.
Of his works the following are noteworthy:
1948 - Closed World (novel)
1950 - The Super-Men (novel)
1951-1953 - Tales of the Desert (novel)
1954 - The Enchantress (novel)
1956 - The Incurable (novel)
1957 - The Wall (novel)
1958 - The Fright (novel)
1960 - Suits Warriors (novel)
1961 - The Mantle (novel)
1962 - The Sermon on the Fire (novel)
1964 - Human Relationships: I - The Four Rivers (novel)
1965 - Human Relations: II - THE Dance of the Swords (novel)
1966 - Human Relations: III - Song in Front of a Closed Door (novel)
1967 - The Bible of the Poor: I - Men and Women (novel)
1970 - The Bible of the Poor: II - Categories (romance)
1971 - The Sudden (short stories)
1975 - The Happy People (novel)
1976 - a Chronicle of the Cross-OSB (novel)
1977 - The Furies (novel)
1979 - Fanny Owen (historical novel)
1980 - The Monastery (novel)
1983 - The Boys of Gold (action)
1983 - the Guessing game of Pedro and Inês (historical novel)
1984 - A Beast of the Earth (historical novel, biography of Uriel da Costa)
1984 - A Crib Open (narrative)
1985 - The Nun of Lisbon (historical novel, biography of Mary of the Visitation)
1987 - A Corte do Norte (historical novel)
1988 - the Pleasure and the Glory (novel)
1988 - The Tower (tale)
1989 - Director and Wallace (novel)
1991 - Vale Abraão (novel)
1992 - Minor Orders (novel)
1994 - The Land of the Risk (novel)
1994 - The Concert of the Dutch (novel)
1995 - Aquarius and Sagittarius (narrative)
1996 - Memories Laurentinas (novel)
1997 - A Dog that Dreams (novel)
1998 - The Common of the Mortals (novel)
1999 - The Fifth Essence (novel)
1999 - Dominga (tale)
2000 - Contemplation Affectionate of Trouble (anthology)
2001 - The Uncertainty Principle: I — Jewel of the Family (romance)
2002 - The Principle of Uncertainty: II — THE Soul of the Rich (novel)
2003 - The Uncertainty Principle: III — in The Blank Spaces (novel)
2004 - Before the Thaw (romance)
2005 - Fools and Lovers (novel)
2006 - Round of Night (novel)
2018 - the Gods of Clay (novel written in 1942)
The World Day of Book and Copyright (also called the World Day of the Book) is an event celebrated every year on 23 April, organized by UNESCO to promote the enjoyment of reading, the publication of books and copyright protection.
The day was created in the XXVIII General Conference of UNESCO which took place between 25 October and 16 November 1995.
The date of April 23 was chosen because on this date in the year 1616 died Miguel de Cervantes, William Shakespeare and Garcilaso de la Vega.
A data foi criada na 30ª Conferência Geral da UNESCO em 16 de novembro de 1999.
O Dia Mundial da Poesia comemora a diversidade do diálogo, a livre criação de ideias através das palavras, da criatividade e da inovação. A data visa a importância da reflexão sobre o poder da linguagem e do desenvolvimento das habilidades criativas de cada pessoa. Isso porque a poesia contribui para a diversidade criativa, inferindo na nossa perceção e compreensão do mundo.
Poesia em Portugal
A história portuguesa apresenta muitos poetas cuja obra literária é mundialmente conhecida. Luís de Camões, Fernando Pessoa, António Nobre, Florbela Espanca, José Régio, Natália Correia, Eugénio de Andrade, Cesário Verde, Miguel Torga, Sophia de Mello Breyner Andersen, são alguns dos poetas portugueses mais conhecidos.
Sugestões de atividades
Neste dia realizam-se várias atividades pelo país, sobretudo nas escolas, bibliotecas e espaços culturais. Algumas atividades que se destacam são:
escrever um poema sobre o que sente
escrever poemas com os amigos
declamar poesias
reler os poetas e os poemas preferidos
colocar poemas em música
assistir a encontros de poetas
assistir a filmes sobre poetas
dizer às pessoas o que sente por elas
fazer de cada gesto um poema
Note que no dia 21 de março celebra-se também o Dia Mundial da Árvore. Dessa maneira, outra atividade interessante é a construção de uma árvore com folhas de poemas ou mesmo escrever uma poesia sobre uma árvore.
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Brazilian market
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The first great literary classics refer to Ancient Greece and it is from the Greek that immense words of knowledge are formed. Biblio is the Greek term that designates book, Bio is life.
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Open to all who dare to share the beauty of writing, in its various manifestations, in the form of a book, the Authors Collection brings together writings of more or less known writers.
The universe of sciences and letters is immense, still loaded with themes to explore. The Fifth Empire expands by these areas. Just as the Portuguese navigators made known a New World to the World.